Saturday, September 25, 2010

saturday into sunday

tried watch me and orson wells, but fell asleep due to being very tired. when to atomic city today and much to my fucking dismay, all the shoes i wanted had the sizes all gone. it's what i get for getting up there so late in the "we're closing game, everything affordable (50% off). now i'm checking online for them, but i image they are NOT affordable online. ebay next stop!!! still zooming through weeds, and for some reason this summery crush album by best coast has been my soundtrack to life the last few days.

take a listen, it warms the heart:

it's all about one thing, which translates to "i like you!, i really do!"
that's it, but i found that it's too cathey to ignore. it's fun, ride you
classic pastel bicycle to it!

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