Wednesday, May 5, 2010

it's been a while

whew, i am all over the place. i can't believe i haven't written anything on here since january. it's fucking been crazy. dobie work has gone spiraling into a new endevour in which both sides are pulling me thin. my staff has dropped to 6 people and we will see what the future hold. either way in 4 months my life will change dramatically. i just wish i had a better handle on what's going to happen. it's really good to prepare for things.

liza minelli is really great in arrested development.

chris and i are in the pre-production area of a new short film we are working on.
i'm really behind on lots of things this film is brining up.

then there is voyuer warriros. my little club that i started about a year ago.
women series programmers. i'm trying to take it to the next level. we are going all out this month. i'm making a seven course meal. yikes. the kitchen is really dirty with all of the dessert practice i did. yumm.

all in all, i'm pretty sad. i've been having super sleep pattern problems. up until 6am each night, then sleeping until 4 or 6 PM, it's getting bad. plus i'm just gerneally sad. me thinks its time for a different medication.

i want to get my ears peirced, i want a nose job, i want to die my hair dark brown, and i want to loose all of this horrible weight i've gained. but can i do it?

i'm really going to try.

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